The original ACCUFAST mailing product was a labeler. At the time it was the only table top labeler on the market and was a truly pioneering product. Those were the days. We sent mail with a pen and paper and computers occupied rooms instead of palms. Things have changed, but ACCUFAST still has a couple of great table top labeling machines.
Freehand labeler is the perfect machine to automate the occasional labeling run. It is a very simple, reliable unit that takes up next to no space, but provides huge benefits compared to labeling short runs by hand.

XL is the workhorse of the pressure sensitive mailing label world. This machine productively applies one or two labels to a piece. Being able to apply twin labels allows it to be used as an in-line tabber in a more complex self mailer preparation system.
Users have used their
XL's for everything from post cards to tabloid newspapers and commonly run up millions of labels applied over the life of the machine.